Since 2019, you've helped us recycle (a whopping!) 31,200 shoes.
Each year, millions of shoes end up in Australian landfills. Due to the construction of shoes and the varying materials used, footwear is difficult to dispose of responsibly. It’s important to us that we found an end-of-life option for footwear that would be accessible to customers.
That’s why in 2019, we teamed up with John Elliott from Save Our Soles, a Melbourne-based company that turns tyres and shoes into rubber mats. The rubber mats are leased out, and once they’re used, they make their way back to John to be recycled and repurposed again.
Australians can recycle with us by bringing their well-loved shoes into store and dropping them off in our Save Our Soles boxes.
America - we haven’t forgotten about you!
Find out how you can recycle your shoes at our NYC store with our TerraCycle Zero Waste Box™.